Sunday, June 1, 2025. Start time 8:30 AM (Start time might be earlier depending on weather conditions. We will confirm the week of the event. )
Parachute Jump
Riegelman Boardwalk (Coney Island) & Steeplechase Park.
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Q train to Coney Island-Stillwell Ave. Station. Walk south on Stillwell Ave. towards the Boardwalk. Turn right and walk to the Parachute Jump. Check the MTA planner for train schedule. In google maps search for The Parachute Jump.
By car take the Belt Parkway East, Exit 7 Ocean Parkway, follow to Surf Avenue, follow until you get to the parking area next to the Parachute Jump. See Map.
You will START next to the Parachute Jump, lined up behind the arches and standing on yellow place markers. At the start you run towards the boardwalk, Half Marathon runners turn right (west) and follow the boardwalk for approximately .1 miles to a U-TURN marker, turn around at the U Turn by crossing the boardwalk to the beachside and running back towards the start (east). 10K & 5K runners turn left after starting, run east, and follow the boardwalk for approximately 1.5 miles to the end. At the end of the boardwalk, you turn around and return by running on the street side of the boardwalk. When you get close to the start location you will be directed to turn right immediately before the carousel, go down the slope and around the carousel. Behind the carousel you will either go right to finish or left to continue running more loops. The entire course requires that half marathon runners complete the 3.27-mile loop four times. 10K runners complete a 3.1-mile loop twice and 5K runners complete a 3.1-mile loop once.
Support stations with Poland Spring water, Gatorade, and power gels will be located at THREE POINTS on the course. You will access these multiple times, thus providing you with support approximately every 1.5 miles. When you take a beverage or gel from the support station, please exit the area immediately so that other participants can access the space.
You MUST wear your BIB on your front torso to assure that you get timed. You will get a timing split at EVERY LOOP in addition to your Finish time. Your time will be posted online at the following RESULTS LINK. You can share this with your fans so that they see your splits as they happen.
* Livestream on YOUTUBE. Check CitytriRuns Channel here. Free pictures and video available on results page. LIVE timing.
* Your friends can watch your progress and you can get all the info that you need by downloading the RACEMAP APP and going to this race. LINK – https://racemap.com/player/the-brooklyn-beach-half-marathon-10k-5k_2023-05-30
* Finisher commemorative medal. High quality technical shirt.
*Personalized finisher video clip will be posted in this page.
* Award medals
* Baggage check-in and toilets will be provided
* Water stations every 1.5 miles: gels, sports drink.
Believe it or not you may get an award. Everyone gets a finisher medal and t-shirt after the event. We not only award the top three overall male and female finishers but also the top three for each age group. The age groups start from under 19 years of age and go every 10 years. So, hang out, you just may go home with some additional hardware!
There will only be packet pick up for this event on race day. Meet at 8:00 a.m. on the boardwalk next to the Parachute Jump. You will need picture I.D. to pick up your bib.
You must wear your Bib on the outside of your clothing on your stomach in order to be guaranteed a time.
You must be able to complete the half marathon in 3 hours or less.
Race numbers are required to participate – no bandits please.
All participants must sign both the USA Track & Field waiver and the City Tri Runs waiver form.
You must be at least 14 years old to participate.
You must be in good health and physically prepared to take on the challenge.
You must show photo ID to receive your race number and timing tag.
Coaches, baby-joggers, bikes, dogs, in-line skates, skateboards or dogs will not be allowed on the course.
If you attempt to sell your race number, you may be banned from future racing.