You are making a difference!!! This event will result in a substantial donation to an amazing non-profit organization serving Jersey City, JCFAMILIES. Thank you and an additional THANK YOU to the 100+ runners who donated as part of their registration. You can still make a donation at this DONATION LINK.

Lincoln Park West Side Ave. and Belmont Ave Jersey City, N.J. 07304
Take the PATH train to Journal Square. Lincoln Park is only 1.5 miles from this stop. You can either walk/run to the start or take a bus. There are three bus lines from Journal Square that you can also take. Bus lines 80 and 1 have stops at the entrance of Lincoln Park at Belmont Avenue and Westside Avenue. Bus line 119 has a stop that is one block from the entrance at JFK Blvd. and Belmont Avenue.
Check MTA Trip Planner for up to date transit schedule.
Check Google Maps for driving directions. Just search for Lincoln Park in Jersey City. It will take you to the main entrance and start/finish area. There is free parking available in Lincoln Park and there is plenty of street parking.
5K runners complete this loop 1 time. View 5K map animation HERE.
» 10K runners complete this loop 2 times. View 10K map animation HERE.
» Half Marathon runners complete this loop 4 times. View 13.1m map animation HERE.
5K and 10K Runners will START on Lookout Drive about 1/10th of a mile from the Lincoln Park Fountain and begin running north. You remain in a marked runner’s lane located on the left side of the drive. After a ½ mile you turn right onto a bridge/ramp that takes you to a 1.8-mile loop mostly on paths before returning to this point. You cross Lakeview Drive and go onto a small, paved path. Follow the signs running to your left and around the park lake. Once you are completely around the lake you follow the paved path and signs to your left and re-enter Lakeview Drive. Continue in the runner’s lane until you return to the starting point. Follow the signs and directions of volunteers to go around the Finish Line arche if you are running the 10K so that you can complete a second loop or to go through the Finish Line arche if you are running the 5K.»
Half Marathon Runners START and FINISH at the same point, next to the water fountain. You run the same course as described above except for an additional .2-mile loop on the west side. You run 3.27 miles for every loop.
SIGNS and VOLUNTEERS will be placed at all turns.
Please note: You must slightly veer off the running lane at the last turn before reaching the finish line to go through the LOOP arche. You must do this each time that you are completing a loop. When you are finishing, stay on the running lane, turning left, and finish strong through the double FINISH LINE ARCHES. A volunteer and signage will be on-site to guide you. Your time will be posted online at the following RESULTS LINK. You can share this with your fans so that they see your splits as they happen.
Entry list, results and splits are posted LIVE in our results page and HERE. You MUST wear your BIB on your front torso so that it is always visible to assure that you get timed. You will get a timing split every time that you cross the finish line.
Your friends can watch your progress and you can get all the info that you need by downloading the RACEMAP APP and going to this race. Your can also just use and share these links:
Half Marathon – https://racemap.app/redeem_key?key=62OAES
10K – https://racemap.app/redeem_key?key=VOWZGY
5K – https://racemap.app/redeem_key?key=PX9HJQ
In addition to live tracking, your fans can watch a live video feed of the finish line on our You Tube Channel, Citytriruns. Here is the link.
Support stations with water, Gatorade, and HUMA gels will be located at THREE POINTS on the course. When you take a beverage or gel from the support station, please exit the area immediately so that other participants can access the space. So, do not drink your beverage or consume your gel at the support station. Instead, go to a space that is ahead of the station and then open the beverage and/or gel. Please discard cups and gel packs at a support station or in trash receptacles.
* Free high resolution pictures at this LINK where you can also purchase a framed print out!
* High quality technical shirt.
* Finisher commemorative medal
* Large acrilyc awards for Top 3 Overall male and female in each distance. Large award medals for top 3 male and female in each distance in age groups of 10. For example: 19 & Younger, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69.
* Baggage check-in and toilets will be provided
* Water stations every 1.5 miles: gels, sports drink.
* Portable bathrooms at the meeting point. There is also a public restroom at the 1/2 mile point.
Dear 2024 finishers search for your customized video clip below:
Believe it or not you may get an award. Everyone gets a finisher medal and t-shirt after the event. We not only award the top three overall male and female with large acrylic awards but also the top three male and female in each distance in groups of 10 yr. As in 19 & younger, 20-29. 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69. Our awards ceremony banner is customized to every race.
There will only be packet pick up for this event on race day. Meet at 8:00 a.m. at the Lincoln Park. You will need picture I.D. to pick up your bib.
The park is open to the public. Pedestrians and public in general have the right of way.
You MUST wear your BIB on your front torso=stomach to assure that you get timed.
Race numbers are required to participate – no bandits please.
All participants must sign both the USA Track & Field waiver and the City Tri Runs waiver form.
You must be at least 14 years old to participate.
You must be in good health and physically prepared to take on the challenge.
You must show photo ID to receive your race number and timing tag.
Coaches, bikes, dogs, in-line skates, skateboards or dogs will not be allowed on the course.
If you attempt to sell your race number, you may be banned from future racing.